Doctor shares the ‘earliest indications’ of mind injury brought on by dementia

Jun 01, 2023 at 7:29 AM
Doctor shares the ‘earliest indications’ of mind injury brought on by dementia

“Among the earliest indications of dementia, temper and persona modifications reveal a storm of feelings,” mentioned Dr Wassermann.

Emotions can vary from anger, irritability, anxiety and agitation; in some circumstances, people who develop dementia may “experience emotional detachment”.

This would appear like “withdrawing socially and losing empathy” for folks round them.

Dr Wassermann mentioned: “Navigating this perplexing journey, they wrestle with a multitude of conflicting emotions, struggling to find balance.”

Another potential indication of dementia is the onset of confusion and disorientation.

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“Dementia inflicts a profound sense of confusion and disorientation, transforming once-familiar landmarks, faces, and objects into an uncharted wilderness,” mentioned Dr Wassermann.

“Those affected may become lost within their own minds, encountering difficulties in navigating familiar routes, losing track of time, and misplacing belongings.”

Dr Wassermann added: “Conversations become intricate labyrinths as they grapple to express themselves with coherence.”

The “hallmark” of dementia, nonetheless, is reminiscence loss that “challenges individuals to remember recent events, essential information, and even the names of loved ones”.

People who develop the devastating situation “increasingly rely on long-term memories while growing bewildered by recent occurrences”.

Dr Wassermann added: “The fragments of their once-vibrant memories slip through their grasp, leaving them yearning for stability in an ever-shifting reality.”

Cognitive decline can be a basic function of dementia that impacts considering capabilities, problem-solving abilities, and decision-making.

“Concentration becomes arduous,” mentioned Dr Wassermann, “as individuals struggle to focus on tasks and are easily distracted.”

Anybody exhibiting such indicators of dementia would profit from a extra thorough evaluation by their physician, who might make a referral to a reminiscence clinic.

The NHS says: “If you’re worried about someone else’s memory problems, encourage them to make an appointment with a GP and perhaps suggest that you go with them.”

Should a referral be made to a reminiscence clinic, the person will endure quite a few checks to find out whether or not they have dementia or not.

Dr Monika Wassermann is the Medical Doctor at IT’S ME AND YOU.