We are being lied to about Putin, Russia and Ukraine, claims RFK Jr

Jul 14, 2023 at 4:28 AM
We are being lied to about Putin, Russia and Ukraine, claims RFK Jr

United States Presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jnr has claimed that the general public is being lied to about Vladimir Putin, Russia and the warfare in Ukraine.

The Democrat, who’s John F. Kennedy’s nephew, stated that he believes the Russian president is a “dangerous man”. Speaking on the Lex Fridman podcast, RFK Jnr –  whose son Connor enlisted and fought for Ukraine against the Russian invaders – stated: “The evidence that I’ve seen is that he [Putin] is homicidal. He kills his enemies, or poisons them.”

However, the environmental lawyer and writer – who has been accused of selling anti-vaccine propaganda and public well being–associated conspiracy theories – stated “it’s not our business to change the Russian government” and that doing so can be “irresponsible”. And he claimed that the general public was being lied to concerning the causes for the warfare in Ukraine – and the way the warfare itself goes.

Russian President Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin is (Image: Getty)

RFK Jr’s feedback got here throughout a two-and-a-half-hour dialog with Russian-American Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) computing analysis scientist Lex Fridman, who has household in each Russia and Ukraine. Fridman, who visited Ukraine final 12 months, stated he did so to “feel the war directly and to listen to the people who are living through it.”

The long-form dialog additionally noticed RFK Jr talk about his controversial opinions about vaccines, ‘big pharma’ and Anthony Fauci; CIA affect – and the assassination of his uncle, JFK. Prefacing the dialog, Fridman stated: “To call him [RFK Jr] a conspiracy theorist and arrogantly dismiss everything he says without addressing it diminishes the public’s trust in the scientific process.”

With regard to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, RFK Jr – the son of former US Attorney General Robert F Kennedy who, like his brother JFK, was assassinated – stated: “His [Putin’s] invasion [of Ukraine] was illegal. It was unnecessary, and it was brutal.

“But I think it’s important for us to move beyond these kind of comic book depictions of this insane, avaricious Russian leader who wants to restore the Soviet Empire, and who made the unprovoked invasion of the Ukraine. He was provoked and we were provoking him and we were provoking him since 1997.”

 Robert F Kennedy Jr

Robert F Kennedy Jr claims that the general public is being lied to concerning the causes for the warfare (Image: Getty)

RFK Jnr in contrast the scenario in Ukraine to the Cuban missile disaster in 1962, which noticed the world getting ready to nuclear warfare after Soviet chief Nikita Khrushchev stationed ballistic missiles in Cuba.

He stated that, in 1997, Former National Security Advisor of the United States Zbigniew Brzezinski “published a blueprint for moving NATO right up to the Russian border, a 1,000 miles to the east and taking over 14 nations”. At the time, former United States Director of Policy Planning George F. Kennan stated this was “insane, “unnecessary” and would “provoke the Russians to a violent response”, added RFK Jr.

“William Perry, who was then the Secretary of Defense under Bill Clinton, threatened to resign, he was so upset by this plan to move NATO to the east,” continued RFK Jr. “And William Burns, who was then the US Ambassador to the Soviet Union, who is now at this moment, the Head of the CIA, said at the time, the same thing. ‘If you do this, it is going to provoke the Russians toward a military response’.

 “And we moved all around Russia. We moved to 14 nations, a 1,000 miles to the east, and we put Aegis missile systems in two nations, in Romania and Poland. So we did what the Russians had done to us in 1962 that would’ve provoked an invasion of Cuba”.

Zbigniew Brzezinski

Zbigniew Brzezinski (left) with the Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1978 (Image: Getty)

“We put those missile systems back there, and then we’d walk away, unilaterally, walk away from the two nuclear missile treaties, the intermediate nuclear missile treaties that we had with the Soviet, with Russia, and neither of us would put those missile systems on the borders.

“We walk away from that and we put Aegis missile systems, which are nuclear-capable. They can carry the Tomahawk missiles, which have nuclear warheads.

“So the last country that they didn’t take was the Ukraine. And the Russians said, and in fact, Bill Perry said this, or William Burns said it, now the Head of the CIA, ‘it is a red line’. If we bring NATO into Ukraine, that is a red line for the Russians. They cannot live with it. Russia has been invaded three times through the Ukraine. The last time it was invaded, we killed, or the Germans killed one out of every seven Russians.”

RFK Jr stated he believes the warfare in Ukraine is a ‘proxy war’, between the US and Russia, just like the decade-long Soviet-Afghan warfare, between 1979 and1989.

“I think this is a proxy war,” he stated. “I think this is a war that the neocons and the White House wanted. They’ve said for two decades they wanted this war and that they wanted to use Ukraine as a pawn in a proxy war between United States and Russia, the same as we used Afghanistan.”

“When President Biden was asked, ‘Why are we in the Ukraine?’ He was honest. He says, ‘To depose Vladimir Putin. Regime change for Vladimir Putin’. And when his defense secretary Lloyd Austin in April 2022 was asked, ‘Why are we there?’ He said, ‘To degrade the Russians’ capacity to fight anywhere… To exhaust the Russian army and degrade its capacity to fight elsewhere in the world.”

“That’s not a humanitarian mission. That’s not what we were told. We were told this was an unprovoked invasion and that we’re there to bring humanitarian relief to the Ukrainians.

“But that is the opposite. That is a war of attrition that is designed to chew up and turn this little nation into an abattoir of death for the flower of Ukrainian youth in order to advance a geopolitical ambition of certain people within the White House. And I think that’s wrong.

“We should be talking to the Russians the way that Nixon talked to Brezhnev, the way that Bush talked to Gorbachev, the way that my uncle talked to Khrushchev. We need to be talking with the Russians, we should, and negotiating. And we need to be looking about how do we end this and preserve peace in Europe.”

Nikita Khrushchev and John F. Kennedy in Vienna

Nikita Khrushchev and John F. Kennedy (Image: Getty)

RFK Jnr additionally claimed that “neocons in the White House and Boris Johnson” sabotaged a peace settlement between Ukraine and Russia. He informed Fridman: “We now know in April of 2022, Zelenskyy and Putin had inked a deal already to another peace agreement, and that the United States and Boris Johnson, the neocons in the White House and Boris Johnson [went] over to the Ukraine to sabotage that agreement.”

And RFK Jnr additionally alleged that the general public is being lied to about how the warfare was going. He stated: “It is incomprehensible to think that Ukraine can beat Russia in a war.

“It would be like Mexico beating the United States. It’s impossible to think that it can happen. And Russia has deployed a tiny, tiny fraction of its military so far. And now it has China with its mass production capacity supporting its war effort. It’s a hopeless situation.

“We’ve been lied to. The press in our country and our government are just promoting this lie that the Ukrainians are about to win and that everything’s going great and that Putin’s on the run.

“The Russians apparently have been killing Ukrainians in a 7:1 ratio. My son fought over there, and he told me… He had firefights with the Russians mainly at night, but he said most of the battles were artillery wars during the day. And the Russians now outgun the NATO forces 10:1 in artillery. They’re killing at a horrendous rate.”

In April 2023, leaked U.S. Defence Intelligence Agency assessments prompt Russia had seen between 35,500 and 43,00 of its troops killed in motion through the warfare, whereas Ukraine was stated to have seen 15,500 to 17,500 of its troops killed in motion. The UN, in its month-to-month replace on June 19, reported there had been 9,177 civilian deaths.

 Ukrainian soldiers in Donetsk

Ukrainian troopers in Donetsk (Image: Getty)

RFK Jr went on to recommend Putin had been anticipating to barter shortly after the invasion started. He stated: “My interpretation of what’s happened so far is that Putin actually went in early on with a small force because he expected to meet somebody on the other end of a negotiating table once he went in. And when that didn’t happen, they did not have a large enough force to be able to mount an offensive.

“And so they’ve been building up that force up till now, and they now have that force. And even against the small original force, the Ukrainians have been helpless. All of their offenses have died.

“And there’s all this wishful thinking because of the Wagner Group – Prigozhin and the Wagner Group, that this was an internal coup, and it showed dissent and weakness of Putin. And none of that is true.

“That insurgency, which wasn’t even an insurgency… He only got 4,000 of his men to follow him out of 20,000. And they were quickly stopped.

“And nobody in the Russian military, the oligarchy, the political system, nobody supported it. But we’re being told, ‘Oh yeah, it’s the beginning of the end for Putin. He’s weakened. He’s wounded. He’s on his way out. And all of these things are just lies that we are being fed.”

Regarding the removing of Putin, RFK Jr stated: “Anybody who thinks it’s a good idea to do a regime change in Russia, which has more nuclear weapons than we do, is I think irresponsible.

“He [Putin] has his hand on a button that could bring Armageddon to the entire planet.

“So why are we messing with this? It’s not our job to change that regime. We should be making friends with the Russians. We shouldn’t be treating him as an enemy. Now we’ve pushed him into the camp with China. That’s not a good thing for our country.”