Rishi Sunak takes brutal swipe at ‘terrorist sympathiser’ Keir Starmer

Feb 05, 2024 at 7:31 PM
Rishi Sunak takes brutal swipe at ‘terrorist sympathiser’ Keir Starmer

Rishi Sunak blasted Sir Keir Starmer this afternoon, telling Piers Morgan the “facts speak for themselves” when requested whether or not his reverse quantity is a “terrorist sympathiser”.

Mr Sunak appeared on TalkTV this afternoon, throughout which he acquired criticism for staking a £1000 guess that flights to Rwanda could have set off forward of the Election.

Mr Morgan pressed Mr Sunak over the forthcoming proscription of Hizb ut-Tahrir, with the PM utilizing the query as a chance to flag Sir Keir Starmer’s earlier work representing the group in courtroom.

Mr Sunak stated it’s a “question for Keir Starmer: he once upon a time represented Hizb ut-Tahrir”.

“He supported them in resisting proscription elsewhere – that’s who he was on the side of.

“We’re busy trying to ban these people and he was busy trying to represent them!”

Pushed by Mr Morgan on whether or not Sir Keir Starmer is a “terrorist sympathiser”, Mr Sunak replied: “The facts speak for themselves”.

“There he was, he was their lawyer when they were trying to resist this. We’ve just proscribed them because we think [they’re a terrorist organisation].

“These things speak for people’s values”.

The implication from Mr Sunak that he believes Sir Keir could also be a terrorist sympathiser sparked instantaneous backlash.

Sir Keir Starmer’s spokesman hit again: “Keir oversaw the first ever prosecution of senior members of Al-Qaeda, the jailing of the airline liquid bomb plotters and the deportation of countless terrorists”.

“The PM can only dream of having such a record of serving his country.”

They added the swipe was “desperate nonsense”.

Former Tory-turned-ChangeUK-turned-LibDem MP Anna Soubry described the verbal dig as “gutter politics at its worst”.

After saying the pending ban on membership of Hizb ut-Tahrir, Mr Sunak used PMQs to assert: “I ban them, he invoices them!”

The ban on membership of Hizb ut-Tahrir got here in on 19 January, and joins 79 different proscribed organisations.