Mum-to-be slammed for utilizing dad or mum and youngster house with out children

Sep 03, 2023 at 10:49 AM
Mum-to-be slammed for utilizing dad or mum and youngster house with out children

A mum-to-be has been slammed for utilizing a dad or mum and youngster parking house – with out having a toddler along with her.

The pregnant mother-of-two, who mentioned she suffers from capturing pains that depart her “hobbling” went purchasing at a Sainsbury’s in Kent earlier this week.

Commenting on parenting discussion board Mumsnet, she defended her determination to make use of the house.

She wrote: “The parking spaces in the car park are very narrow, to the point where I struggle to fit myself and my bump out of the door and it was all getting a bit ridiculous, so today I decided to park in one of the P&C spaces (of which there are many, and I didn’t take the last empty one) so that I wouldn’t have to squeeze out of the door and would have less distance to painfully shuffle into the shop.

“Afterwards I was putting my shopping in my car when I was accosted by some absolute cowbag who berated me for taking a P&C space even though I didn’t have a child with me. 

Opinion was divided on whether the woman was being unreasonable or not.

One person who felt she was wrote:  “Well they’re not ‘pregnancy’ parking spaces are they?

“Good reason why spaces are provided for parents of young children and you’ll appreciate this when your baby arrives.

“I think you could probably manage a normal space, like other people experiencing temporary discomfort are able to.

“I wouldn’t have challenged you on it but would have thought it.”

Another got here to the girl’s defence, saying: “They are parent and child places – you are a parent to the child inside your womb who (unbeknownst to them) is causing you pain atm. 

“No one in their right mind would begrudge you a parking space nearest to the shop.  Has the world gone mad?”