Lady fumes as mates solely allowed to attend marriage ceremony in the event that they serve meals

Jul 10, 2023 at 9:53 PM
Lady fumes as mates solely allowed to attend marriage ceremony in the event that they serve meals

A “bizzare” marriage ceremony has left social media in shock after a girl revealed mates have been solely allowed to attend in the event that they served the meals. The lady fumed on the social media web site, Mumsnet and mentioned her good friend was handled like a “professional server” within the unusual marriage ceremony.

She began explaining how the couple, who was getting married, had a low finances for the marriage, however they nonetheless wished a “nice/fancy” ceremony with a sit-down meal and servers. 

She mentioned: “They hired a town hall for an ‘afternoon tea’ luncheon type thing just after the wedding, with only close friends and family invited.

“They then asked other, less close, friends to ‘have the privilege’ of serving them at this ‘high tea’ event, free of charge, as a favour, instead of an invite to the wedding (not even the evening party that came later).

“It was actually phrased as ‘would you like to have the privilege of serving us at our wedding?’ and people who were asked were very much expected to see it as an honour. Apparently it’s somewhat of the ‘done thing’ in their circle. 

“These friends/servers were given waiter/waitress uniforms to wear. Just another reminder- they were NOT being paid. One of the people asked to do it was a friend of mine. 

“She actually thought she was quite close to the family, had known them years and been around for dinner and things like that, but realised they obviously didn’t see her that way when instead of a proper invite to the wedding she was asked to do this.”

She went forward and defined how her good friend was mistreated through the marriage ceremony. 

She wrote: “She said that she accidentally split tea whilst pouring it out for someone at this ‘luncheon’ (I mean it’s not like she was a professional server!) and the bride’s father snapped at her. 

“Everyone at the table treated her exactly like a professional server, not making eye contact, not even thanking her, barking orders at her etc, even though she had known all of them for years and spent time at their house for gatherings…all the servers were ‘thanked’ a few weeks after the wedding with a box of basic Cadbury chocolates, the type that cost about £5 from Tesco. 

“These boxes of chocolates were elaborately wrapped up and sent with thank you cards. Once opening the box, my friend realised they were all white…looked at the sell-by date and they were years out!! 

“Now, it wasn’t really anything to me because I wasn’t close to the couple (knew them, had mutual friends but never expected to be invited in any capacity) so didn’t affect me at all, but I think the whole thing was completely bizarre and such rude and entitled behaviour towards people who were supposed to be their friends.

“Apparently being asked to dress up in a waiter outfit and take orders/serve people is an immense honour. I didn’t, and still don’t, have words.”

Social media customers have been equally shocked after studying the publish. One consumer commented: “I’m baffled as to why anyone turned up to be a bloody servant?! I’d have laughed and chucked the invite in the bin (after sending it to everyone I knew for a laugh).”

Another commented: “I can’t believe anyone actually said yes to that, that’s the most insane story!!!”